- To request the purchase of alcohol on a specific account, prepare a memo outlining the purpose of the request and include relevant details and justifications. Please reference TAMU Standard Administrative Procedure 34.03.9.M01.01.
- Memos should be routed through the appropriate Dean or Department Head and addressed to:
- For Division of Student Affairs: BG Joe E. Ramirez, Jr. '79, USA (Ret.), Vice President for Student Affairs
- Send memos to: Carrie Berry, Executive Assistant III, cberry@vpsa.tamu.edu
- For Athletics: Trev Alberts, Director of Athletics
- Send memos to: Jonathan Wallace, Executive Assistant III, jonathan.wallace@athletics.tamu.edu
- For all other requests: Jeff Burton, Vice President and Deputy CFO
- Send memos to: Leslie Dunn, Executive Assistant III, ledunn@tamu.edu
- For Division of Student Affairs: BG Joe E. Ramirez, Jr. '79, USA (Ret.), Vice President for Student Affairs
- Once the memo is approved and signed it should be forward to University Accounting Services (UAS) for processing at new-accounts@tamu.edu.
- UAS will review the account for possible restrictions and will flag the account(s) for the purchase of alcoholic beverages if appropriate.
Additional Information
Purchase of Alcohol on Account Request template