Authorized Source of Funds for Alcohol Purchases

  • To request the purchase of alcohol on a specific account, prepare a memo outlining the purpose of the request and include relevant details and justifications.  Please reference TAMU Standard Administrative Procedure 34.03.9.M01.01.
  • Memos should be routed through the appropriate Dean or Department Head and addressed to:
    • For Division of Student Affairs: BG Joe E. Ramirez, Jr. '79, USA (Ret.), Vice President for Student Affairs
    • For Athletics: Trev Alberts, Director of Athletics
    • For all other requests: Jeff Burton, Vice President and Deputy CFO
  • Once the memo is approved and signed it should be forward to University Accounting Services (UAS) for processing at
  • UAS will review the account for possible restrictions and will flag the account(s) for the purchase of alcoholic beverages if appropriate.

Additional Information

Purchase of Alcohol on Account Request template

TAMU Standard Administrative Procedure 34.03.9.M01.01

System Policy 34.03 Alcoholic Beverages