Please submit a new account request form. The form has detailed instructions on how to fill out the request form. Once completed the form can be emailed to
An individual with signature authority is authorized to update accounts (e.g. responsible person, support account transactions, and other fields that needed to be updated in order to process various transaction). Please send a request to
Verify on screen 6 that the SA transactions flag for expense actual and budge is set to "B". If not, the individual with signature authority for the department may request that the account be updated to allow support account transactions. Please send a request to
In order to delete an account the main account must have the following:
- No support accounts are linked, if there are any support accounts established, the department will need have those deleted on screen 54.
- The main account has to have a zero balance.
The Responsible Accountant, and the Responsible Person on an SL or GL can be updated through a bulk file feed to FAMIS. If more than 10 accounts need to be updated a template can be requested to facilitate this change. To request a template, please send an email to and provide one of the following fields:
- UIN of the current Responsible Accountant and/or Responsible Person that needs to be changed
- Department Code
- College Code
- Division Code
- Executive Code
This template can also be used to review the current Responsible Accountant and Responsible Person for each of the above criteria.
The summer months are a great time to review and clean-up FAMIS accounts prior to the start of the new fiscal year. University Accounting Services can provide colleges/divisions/departments with the following account details upon request.
- Accounts that are active in FY24, but have few transactions and/or a zero balance
- Accounts that are marked as “frozen” but are not set to be “deleted”
- Accounts with no activity in FY24 but are still marked as active
To request this information, please send an email to and provide one of the following fields:
- Department Code
- College Code
- Division Code
- Executive Code